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PHP 지원하는 해외 무료 호스팅 서비스 본문

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PHP 지원하는 해외 무료 호스팅 서비스

엉망진창 2008. 12. 22. 13:04
1. 000WebHost
000WebHost provides one of the most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising. All accounts come with 500 MB disk space, 100 GB data transfer and PHP and MySql database support.


Main service features
Here is detailed list of what hosting service supports:
- 500 MB Disk Space
- 100 GB Data Transfer
- PHP with MySQL Database Support
- Instant Activation
- FTP Support
- 99.9% Uptime
- No Advertisements

2. Zymic
Zymic.com offers one of the most reliable and feature packed free web hosting services on the net. Service include PHP/MySQL, free domain names, Ad-free hosting and an overly generous disk and transfer allowance.


Main service features
Here is detailed list of what hosting service supports:
- 5 GB
- 50 GB Data Transfer
- PHP 5 Support, 5 mySQL databases
- FTP access
- 99.9% Uptime
- No Advertisements

3. 110MB Hosting
110MB Hosting is another Ad-free web hosting service which offers a lot of interesting features for your websites such as PHP and MySql support:


Main service features
Here is detailed list of what hosting service supports:
- 5 GB Space
- PHP 5 and MySql Support
- FTP (chmod enabled)
- Your Own Domain Hosting
- Free subdomain (yourdomain.110mb.com)
- 99.9% Uptime
- No Advertisements
110MB Hosting

4. Sitesfree
Sitesfree is another good free hosting services which offers some interesting basic features to host your website for free (included PHP and MySql support).


Main service features
Here is detailed list of what hosting service supports:
- 500Mb
- 7 GB Data Transfer
- PHP 5 Support, 5 mySQL databases
- Free sub domain (yourname.sitesfree.com)
- Ability to host your own domains
- FTP access
- 99.9% Uptime
- No Advertisements

5. Your Free Hosting
YourFreeHosting.net is a new and fast provider of free web hosting. All accounts come with a easy to use control panel that makes it very simple to manage your web site and files. Your free account comes with PHP, 5 MySQL databases, 5GB of disk space & 50GB of bandwidth and more. You have the choice of using your own domain name if you wish or you can choose a free subdomains.
Main service features
Here is detailed list of what hosting service supports:
- 5GB Disk Space
- 50GB Bandwidth
- PHP 4 Support, 5 mySQL databases
- Instant activation
- Domain Name Support
- Custom subdomain: yourname.yourfreehosting.net
- File Manager
- 24/7 Technical Support
- Full FTP Access
- 99.9% Uptime
- No Advertisements
Your Free Hosting

