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쉘 기능 확장 rjhExtensions 1.3 본문

OS / HW/Windows Tip / Util

쉘 기능 확장 rjhExtensions 1.3

엉망진창 2007. 3. 12. 11:31

사용자 삽입 이미지

rjhExtensions is a simple utility that will add a number of useful functions to the context menu of Windows Explorer. The utility consists of the extensions and an organizer that allows you to control the placement of the extensions.:
Path to clipboard:
Copies the path of the selected folder or file to the clipboard.

DOS Prompt:
Selecting DOS Prompt (Command Prompt in WinNT) opens a DOS window in the selected directory.

Shred File(s):
Overwrites and then deletes the selected file or files. WARNING: Shredded files cannot be recovered.

Rename Files:
The Rename Files extension allows you to quickly and easily rename multiple files in multiple folders.

Encrypt File:
The Encrypt/Decrypt extension allows you to easily encrypt and then decrypt any file using a modified version of the powerful Blowfish encryption algorithm.

Duplicate File(s):
Creates a copy of the selected file or files in the same directory. The duplicate files will maintain the properties of the original.

Copy directory list to file:
Creates a text file containing the names and, optionally, the details of all files in the selected directory and, optionally, subdirectories.

Print directory list:
Prints a list of the names and, optionally, the details of all files in the selected directory and, optionally, subdirectories.

rjhExtensions Organizer:
The organizer is a small application that allows you to select which extensions will appear on the context menu, whether the extension will be on the main context menu or a submenu and the order in which the extensions will appear on the menu.

홈페이지 : http://www.rjhsoftware.com/rjhextensions/